Linux VPS Hosting (Netherlands/Amsterdam)

Welcome to our cheap Linux VPS hosting services in the Netherlands. We're your ideal VPS hosting partner, offering you top-notch performance in Holland without breaking the bank.

Our top Linux VPS server hosting solutions boost your online presence. You'll find a perfect blend of affordability and reliability.





Best Linux VPS Plans - Netherlands Server

It is a strong linux vps hosting for sites and applications that draw in a high volume of traffic.


vCPU        |

RAM        |


Premium SSD Hosting platform

  • vCPU : 2
  • Physical RAM : 8 GB
  • NVME DISK : 160 GB Storage
  • Bandwidth: 4000 GB
  • Delivery Time : 1-2 Hr
  • Location : NetherLands
  • Price Discount : Yearly

Limited Stock

$15.99 $12.99/mo


vCPU        |

RAM        |


Premium SSD Hosting platform

  • vCPU : 4
  • Physical RAM : 16 GB
  • NVME DISK : 320 GB Storage
  • Bandwidth: 8000 GB
  • Delivery Time : 1-2 Hr
  • Location : NetherLands
  • Price Discount : Yearly

Limited Stock

$21.99 $16.49/mo


vCPU        |

RAM        |


Premium SSD Hosting platform

  • vCPU : 6
  • Physical RAM : 24 GB
  • NVME DISK : 400 GB Storage
  • Bandwidth: 12000 GB
  • Delivery Time : 1-2 Hr
  • Location : NetherLands
  • Price Discount : Yearly

Limited Stock

$27.99 $22.99/mo


vCPU        |

RAM        |


Premium SSD Hosting platform

  • vCPU : 8
  • Physical RAM : 32 GB
  • NVME DISK : 480 GB Storage
  • Bandwidth: 16000 GB
  • Delivery Time : 1-2 Hr
  • Location : NetherLands
  • Price Discount : Yearly

Limited Stock

$32.99 $25.99/mo


vCPU        |

RAM        |


Premium SSD Hosting platform

  • vCPU : 12
  • Physical RAM : 48 GB
  • NVME DISK : 720 GB Storage
  • Bandwidth: 24000 GB
  • Delivery Time : 1-2 Hr
  • Location : NetherLands
  • Price Discount : Yearly

Limited Stock

$42 $30.99/mo


vCPU        |

RAM        |


Premium SSD Hosting platform

  • vCPU : 12
  • Physical RAM : 64 GB
  • NVME DISK : 1200 GB Storage
  • Bandwidth: 32000 GB
  • Delivery Time : 1-2 Hr
  • Location : NetherLands
  • Price Discount : Yearly

Limited Stock

$62 $55/mo

Lightning-Fast Speed Cheap Linux VPS Hosting in Netherlands (NL)

Supercharge your hosting experience with our cheapest Linux VPS hosting in Holland. Boost your website quality with our reliable and secured KVM Linux solution

Security Against DDoS Attacks

DedicatedCore provides scalable resources, allowing your website. To absorb increased traffic during DDoS attacks without compromising performance. Include testimonials from satisfied customers, who have experienced our DDoS protection services.

Different Payment Methods

At DedicatedCore we understand the importance of providing our customers. We offer easy, secure payment options, prioritizing your convenience and flexibility. We proudly accept major credit and debit cards, PayPal, digital wallets, VISA, stripe, bank transfers, and more.

Supported Operating Systems

We let you tailor your cheap Linux VPS hosting Netherlands to fit your needs. KVM Linux VPS server offers you the option to select your preferred pre-installed operating system. Such as CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, and Debian.

Full Admin (Root) Access

It's the highest level of control, granting users complete access to their server. And allowing them to configure and customize their hosting environment. Plus provides unlimited configuration options. And helps to implement their security measures, firewall rules, and access controls.

Latency-Free Connectivity

DedicatedCore's cheapest Linux VPS hosting Holland services are optimized to eliminate delays. Ensuring your website operates at peak performance. It defines latency-free connectivity as a hosting environment. That minimizes delays in data transmission, resulting in swift and responsive web experiences.

Anytime Upgradation

Cheap Linux VPS hosting Netherlands is optimized to eliminate delays. Ensuring your website operates at peak performance. It defines latency-free connectivity as a hosting environment. That minimizes delays in data transmission, resulting in swift and responsive web experiences.

24X7 User Support

Our team is dedicated to keeping our services available round the clock. The best linux vps hosting provides you with peace of mind and consistent online performance. We support 24X7X365 via ticket, chat, email, video, and call support.

Guaranteed 99.99% Uptime

We're committed to keeping your website or app accessible without interruptions. We guarantee consistent 99.99% server uptime. So, you can trust that your online presence will always be available when it matters most.

Best KVM Linux VPS Hosting in Netherlands

In a nation dedicated to green energy and technological advancement. The Netherlands offers an ideal environment for hosting your KVM Linux VPS. At DedicatedCore we've harnessed this commitment to sustainability and tech innovation. To provide you with the pinnacle of cheap kvm linux VPS server Netherlands/Holland performance in the Netherlands.

Our best Linux vps hosting Netherlands delivers secure, lightning-fast connections. Ensuring minimal latency for your online endeavors. Hosting that matches your needs and embraces a tech-savvy, sustainable future. Choose DedicatedCore for cheapest linux virtual server host NL that takes your digital experience to new heights.

With DedicatedCore's best linux vps hosting Holland, you will get the fastest, seamless, and low-latency connection. We're dedicated to your online success. Providing you with the highest Linux VPS performance available in the country.


Join us in the Netherlands, a hub of innovation and sustainability. Let DedicatedCore boost your online presence with top security and speed. Your cheap linux kvm vps hosting Holland (NL) journey begins here.

Budget-Friendly Linux VPS Holland
  • Fastest NVMe SSD Disk:- Our Linux VPS hosting solution uses lightning-fast NVMe SSD that enhances response time. This means NVMe’s technology is faster than other technology. Thanks to SSD advancements, data is much faster and better.
  • Highest Security Tools:- DedicatedCore provides DDoS Protection and Firewalls are top security tools. They are always ready to secure your website data and avoid data loss.
  • Excellence Backups:- Our JetBackup service ensures a full free weekly backup process. That helps you with complete peace of mind. And RAID 5 tech prevents data crashes and loss with redundancy.
  • Our Server Sites:- We have server sites all over the world. Including the Netherlands, UK, USA, Singapore, New York, and more, to serve you best.
  • What is Linux VPS Hosting?

    KVM Linux VPS hosting the best performance on a Virtual Private Server. Linux with DedicatedCore, you also get the cheap Linux virtual Private Server Netherlands. With a choice of Linux operating system.

    Affordable Linux virtual private server hosting includes free unlimited cPanel/WHM accounts, a full server control, and 24/7 customer support.

  • How Much Does Linux VPS Cost?

    DedicatedCore entry-level best linux virtual private server Netherlands plan costs $4.99/month. From this plan, you'll get 6 CPU cores, 16GB of RAM, 80GB of NVMe SSD storage, 300mbps network port, and a managed server. Choose monthly or yearly payments.

  • Is VPS Good for Hosting?

    Yes, VPS hosting is fast and reliable because you have your own dedicated bandwidth, offering performance like a dedicated server. You can also choose different operating systems. And we fine-tune the server setup for optimal application performance.

  • What Linux VPS Hosting Features DedicatedCore Offers?

    You can create endless websites with unlimited website hosting accounts with best linux virtual private server. Add cPanel(Control Panel)/WHM for extra control.

    Provides unlimited NVMe SSD storage and bandwidth, free SSL certificate, and free weekly JetBackup. Enjoy 24/7 security with advanced DDoS protection and firewall.

I was looking for a good VPS hosting provider and i found DedicatedCore. Their support team is quick. They're polite, skilled. And provide the best support I've ever had from any company in the same industry.

- Isaac

Fast support and good quality service are important for me. I have tested many hosting and finally, i found DedicatedCore. And i love their services. I always recommend Linux VPS hosting provider. That has the service with the highest uptime, which is DedicatedCore, thanks.

- Elias